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1. https://worldfraction.blogspot.com/2017/04/place-of-interest-in-paris-besides-the-eiffel-tower.html
2. https://worldfraction.blogspot.com/2017/05/see-ancient-tree-in-east-lombok-west.html
3. https://worldfraction.blogspot.com/2017/05/visiting-to-surfer-paradise-the-best-beach-for-surfers.html

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[Andromax A] Custom Rom CyanogenMod 13 Fix VoLTE

Kali ini saya mau share lagi custom rom andromax A, CyanogenMod 13. Seperti judulnya, Rom ini sudah fix VoLTE, jadi kalian bisa lebih leluasa menggunakan fitur VoLTEnya.

DWYOR, apapun yang terjadi terhadap andromax anda, di tanggung sendiri, dan jangan lupa di BACKUP.

- Rill
- Volte
- Camera
- Audio ( pertama kamu harus buka audio.fx lalu set to dafault lalu tap off audio fxnya )
- Wifi ( tanpa init.d )
- Hostpot to wifi fix
- and many more

- Gesture
- Double tap to wake
- Hw+ Playing mx Player ( tapi ga terlalu penting)
- If You Found Bugs ( kita fix bareng )

- Mega
- One Drive
- Viper Atmos for Fix Audio Fx

+ Tweaks ABS for Stable Peformace and Battery
- Ikuti stepnya ya pilih yg ARM : Disini

Cara install:
- Download salah satu saja, mau mega/onedrive
- pindahkan ke sdcard
- Masuk ke TWRP
- lakukan 3 Wipe (cache, dalvink, data)
- Tunggu beberapa saat untuk instalasi
- Lalu Reboot

- Redmi 2
- Dark Armour
- Viper4FX

- Roman Chie Fpah Refal
- Zainal Abidin
- Sabilal R
- Inu Aimar
- Jaler Dwi Prayogi
- Made Arsena
- Andri Anggraeni

Thanks To
- Allah Swt
- Keluarga
- Cyanogenmod Official
- Redmi2
- Jandalovers Support
- Open Vpn
- Smartfren 4G
- SRS Dev
- SST Dev
- RTX Dev
- IST Dev
- Mod Rom Dev ( Blitz , Blaze , Bhineka , Batavia , dll )
- All Friend

Sumber : http://jandalovers69.blogspot.co.id/2016/11/andromax-cyanogen-mod-13-build-30.html

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